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I Believe there are no such thing as coincidences. If you've found yourself landing on this page, I encourage you to continue reading...

There comes a time and place in our lives where we can no longer ignore the nudges...and for some of us, that time is too late. A nudge becomes a push, the push becomes a fall and the fall becomes a monumental devastation, impact, occurrence or....we hit "rock bottom". 

But what if....

What if you felt those nudges a little more clearly? 

What if you no longer had to question other's outside of yourself for answers?

What if... you just knew? Your whole body could communicate an answer for you the minute you released a question to the Universe?

The truth is - you can. 

Each and every one of us in born with an inner knowing... an Intuition...with pure sovereignty. This intuition is our human design.


But over time - due to conditioning, programming and an unbalanced masculine and feminine energy - we've lost touch with who we are. We are pure consciousness. We are light, love and earth and stars. We have each and every answer that we desire within. 


So if you have landed here - trust the nudge. Trust the pull of the bodies intention. 




My life has changed because I am now able to live more in the present. I have realized how incredible of a woman I am and that I deserve love. I am enough and worthy of finding the love I desire. My mind feels more free and open to experiencing a love I have never known. I recognize that I must give myself this type of love for others to see how remarkable I am. One of the most significant breakthroughs for me was when I looked at myself in the mirror and expressed self-love. I realized that romanticizing my life and recognizing the glimmer moments of joy can lead me to a happier life. Danen is your guiding light who also reminds you to remember to breathe. Her calm and coolness are nourishing, and I could not have asked for a better guide in this time of my life. I highly recommend working with Danen! Working with her has been an incredible experience. She is authentic in our conversations, which made me feel welcomed and able to express myself even more.

~ Erin Devost


it's time to breathe...

Interested in bringing breathwork to your employee wellness day? It is a passion of mine to bring this incredible modality of breathwork into businesses where employees face daily stress not just in their work-life, but at home too. 

If you'd like to hire me for a 75-minute employee breathwork session, please fill out the form below to contact me and I will get back to you within 48-hours.


Discover a transformative experience with our personalized coaching services. Dive into a journey of self-discovery and growth with our unique approach.

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One-to-One Coaching

Embark on a personalized journey of self-exploration and growth with our one-to-one coaching sessions. Experience the power of embodiment, somatic practices, and breathwork tailored just for you.


Online Group Breathwork

Join our donation-based breathwork membership - Soul Rise Breathwork. Join a community of aligned-souls and women from all over the world to breathe, connect, heal, and transform together. Our sessions will help you feel better, reduce stress, and raise the vibration the collective. 

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One-to-One Breathwork Healing

Experience the profound healing effects of breathwork, a transformative modality that focuses on somatic healing. Dive into a journey of self-discovery and inner peace with our breathwork sessions.

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